Saturday 21 February 2009

Have you updated your emotional CV recently?

You may, like many other people, have recently updated your work CV (Resume) just in case changing employment patterns make your job redundant. You will of course highlight all the achievements in your career and minimise those events and jobs that look less than ideal.

At the end of your update you will have a document that reflects the best aspects of your work career and the achievements you have been responsible for. When sending this out to prospective employers you are presenting the best possible aspect of yourself to maximise the opportunity to secure a new job role.

But have you ever thought about the state of your emotional CV? Have you ever applied the refining techniques from your CV to your emotional life? Old traumas often hang around as emotionally draining memories that decrease our ability to deal with new situations.

So those old emotional events that we still carry with us can be real blocks to our progress in both our work life and our personal life.

Perhaps now is the time to reflect on the emotional barriers that have blocked you in the past from achieving all that can. The techniques that you can adopt to deal with old emotional traumas can be as simple as writing out a mini biography and deciding what to keep and what to let go of. Taking time to reflect on each event can enable you to decide whether a particular situation is helping you or blocking your progress.

If you feel that a particular event is stuck, that you are unable to let go of it through reflection and the mini biography, then an alternative is called for. A self hypnosis recording can help, The Symbol is one that was specifically developed for those mental blocks. Click here for more information. Change techniques such as hypnosis and NLP can also help you let go of the barriers to progress.

Now how are those CVs looking? Work one OK emotional one needs work? Now is the time to start!

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