Monday 21 March 2011

Details count.........sometimes.....depends where you are in the journey

I'm a big fan of getting going in the general direction of where you want to be and adjusting your path along the way. Without worrying too much about the detail of the actual journey.

At the beginning of a journey it's enough to know where you are starting from and where the end point is. If you have both locations you can make a good stab at heading out in the right general direction.

As you gather more information along the way, you'll make adjustments to bring you on track to your desired goal. In just the same way that an aeroplane adjusts its flight path to compensate for crosswinds or the need to divert around storms.

So far so obvious.

But sometimes you need the final detail.

I spent a large part of today picking through sales leads and prospect details from someone who was not much into detail. Sometimes detail is vital; like in an email address or a phone number; one misplaced detail and you're screwed. It's a bit like the captain of that aeroplane having a compass that's out of whack, that's a detail that's vital.

So use the general direction to get you going but make sure you have the details straight by the end of the journey or there may no place to land.

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