Monday 8 March 2010

Simplify, simplify simplify

My old boss (now dead sadly) was a right bugger to work for. His attention to details clashed with my rather more relaxed approach. There were often fireworks, his attention to details sometimes seemed obsessive and he still managed to get things wrong.

But I did learn a lot from him, most of it good.

He wrote software code in the C language. As any software people out there will know, it is possible to write messy and complex C. This style of code is frequently filled with hard to track down bugs.

His mantra was; simplify, simplify, simplify. Use simple constructs, think about what you want and test as you go.

It worked for his software and I think it can work more generally in life too. So now I am on a mission to simplify the complexities of my own life. I aim to streamline what I do and how I do it.

The aim is to be both more creative and more productive; with the level of complication that we have in life today it's almost a miracle that anything gets achieved.

This is likely to be a task that is ironically far from simple. I expect it to be a process that happens over a year or more but I'll highlight the more interesting bits on this very blog.

How much more more creative and productive could you be if you simplified your life?

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