Saturday 14 May 2011

Seeing beauty in the simple things

Honestly there times when the madness of the world almost manages to overwhelm my ability to think as a rational human being.

To defend the freedom of Libyans, we kill some other Libyans. Whilst not actually pursuing a policy of war, we only send in bombs and missiles that make it look like war. It's not war because someone important said so. Even though it involves Armed Forces with guns bombs and missiles.

Our American friends manage to kill an old man in Pakistan who may or not have been Osama Bin Laden. Who may or may not have been declared dead several times already and then dump his body in the sea so that there will be no martyr's grave. Then a militant group in Pakistan kills 70 policeman with two suicide bombers even though there was no martyr's grave for Osama.

What has this got to do with your life? Or my life? Maybe nothing at all except that we are bombarded with this type of news every day and it can make us forget that there is beauty in the world in the most humble of things.

I walked in my garden recently with a camera and looked for beauty. It was everywhere. With a very improvised close up lens here are two of the images that I captured.

Click on the images to see them in their full glory and marvel that a blackberry leaf and dandelion head could be such utterly wonderful and beautiful things.

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