Wednesday 20 May 2009

Visualise anxiety to see how to let it go

I work with many clients who have anxiety related problems. Each person is unique but common themes often emerge during the sessions with the client.

One technique that clients frequently find helpful is to picture what their anxiety might look like. I often start by asking the person what colour the anxiety is, then move on to finding out what shape the problem is and how big or small it seems.

Once the size, shape and colour are established we can set about destroying the unwanted object. The client will again provide the information, so whether they stamp on the 'thing', chop it up with a chainsaw (nice!) or set light to it the thing will be reduced to pieces or ash.

I'll then have the pieces that are left disposed of, again the client's own imagination provides the best method for them. Throwing the bits into a bin, throwing ashes into the wind or even blowing them up with explosives have all been used by my clients.

The last step is to replace the unwanted anxiety with a desired emotion; often this will be a feeling of confidence. The secret here is run the process in reverse; ie ask what colour the new emotion is, how big is it, what shape does it have?

Often the responses are interesting, sometimes even entertaining, at this point the therapist must use all their skills to utilise this new object in a way that the client can integrate into their life.

Sometimes this desired emotion will be seen as a light, sometimes as a comforting blanket but it could be anything that the imagination can conceive. The therapist's ability here is the key to making this process as successful as possible.

This technique is most often used in a therapy setting but you can also use it in a relaxed or self hypnotic state. It is not as easy as working with a therapist and may take more time but it can be a very useful addition to the tools you use to release anxiety.

You may also find it useful to check my Releasing Anxiety MP3 and CD recording at the web site It provides a very effective non-hypnosis approach to releasing anxiety.

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