Thursday, 12 February 2009

Are we pushing too hard?

In recent times more children than ever before are being directed to my practice door. Normally the isssue is some form of anxiety and I can't help wondering if today we simply push children too hard.

Continuous testing for exams, peer pressure to conform as well as the expectations of parents all seem to come together to form a toxic blend that generates this anxiety.

It's unlikely that anyone of us will have the capability to change the way that our society is pushing children but we can give them a coping stategy.

I have found that for children of 9 to 14 years, teaching the child a simplified form of Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique can be incredibly helpful. It provides a way to reduce fear and anxiety very quickly and easily at the point where the anxiety is experienced, for example as the child is about to sit an exam.

Or, just perhaps, we parents should learn to be more relaxed and less pushy with our children, it would certainly help.

Follow this link for much information direct from the EFT website. Why not give it a try, the resources are free.

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