Saturday, 28 February 2009

Dreams and how to interpret them

Most people are intrigued by the dreams they have in their sleeping hours. They seem to provide a glimpse into that subconscious self that drives our actions.

Just recently my own dreams have become vibrant, technicolour masterpieces of outlandish events and situations.

Some are clearly driven by the anxieties of the everyday life, whilst other seems to be carrying a deeper message if I can only just grasp what that message is. This prompted me to go to the bookshelf and pull out a book that I bought second-hand in California some years ago.

The book seems to provide some insights into the situations perceived in the dreams and has in the past been a useful tool for me to uncover the kind of personal blocks that hinder personal development and progress.

The book in question is called Dreams - Your Magic Mirror by Elsie Sechrist. My edition was published by Cowles in 1968 and since it has been useful for me I wondered if it was still in print; it is and is available from Amazon through the graphic link below.

The book contains dream interpretations from the American psychic Edgar Cayce. Now I have a reasonable degree of skepticism about most things psychic but this particular book does seem to be a very considerable cut above the average 'Dream' book you'll find. The Amazon reviews seem to indicate that other people have found it useful too. (It gets 4 out of 5 stars from the reviews).

There are both lists of dream elements and what they my symbolize and short stories where dreams are interpreted by Cayce. One thing I have noted in the past, is that is sometimes easier to interpret the dreams of another person than it is your own. My guess is that the other person is more dispassionate and possibly more truthful (don't we always lie to our self first?) than the dreamer would be.

So if your own dream life is intriguing you and you would like to find out more, I recommend this book very highly.

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