Art of Cristina Rukoski - |
Good question.
The Arab spring came and went, leaving behind the carnage of the old regimes whilst not fully replacing them with stability or functioning Governments. Now Syria is being pushed/pulled into a similar melt down. I know little about the country but now it seems that a Government cannot deal with an armed uprising without arms from external countries being pushed into the hands of the people in revolt.
One wonders what would happen in the UK if people in Birmingham rose up against the Government armed with weapons from Russia? Would outside Governments support Westminster or the rebels?
So it feels as if a plan is being worked through. It's a messy, nasty plan, but a plan none the less. it does seem as if a blueprint has been drawn up and the resources are being put into place to make it happen..
We seem powerless to resist.
Protest seems futile.
Letter writing is impotent.
Armed rebellion will likely result in death.
In our name, rebels are armed, bombs are dropped and decisions are made about who are the right people this month to support (different to last month of course.)
So we have that feeling of being on the edge.
I get the feedback from my one to one work with the number of people suffering from panic and anxiety. The alarming number of people drugged with SSRIs like Prozac just so that they can get through the working week (or as often now the non-working week). Standing on the edge again.
Like the charged atmosphere before a thunderstorm when you know from experience that the only thing that will make the air feel real again is the strike of lightning, the crash of thunder and the cascades of cleansing rain.
What will be the metaphorical thunderstorm for the current situation? War? Civil strife? Chaos? Riots?
I can't tell, but I can feel the disquiet in the breeze, in the mutterings of shoppers complaining about the price of cheese, the despair of a business owner with his or her back to the wall. You can almost touch it.
What can you do about it? Perhaps nothing except prepare for the deluge. Have your metaphorical umbrella ready for what comes next. Perhaps like John Galt, the best thing we can do is withdraw until the storm is over and we have the opportunity to make things anew. Like the best Boy Scout or Girl Guide; Be Prepared.
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