Monday, 12 March 2012

Prozac, psychopaths and financial collapse

This film is well worth watching. "I Am Fishead" Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths ?

It discusses the financial crash that started in 2008 and links the risky behaviour that caused the crash to Corporate Psychopaths (Psychopath: a person lacking empathy but who still may be very intelligent and high functioning).

The film then goes on to explore how drugs, particularly anti-depressants cause those who take them to have a reduced level of empathy; in effect pushing the person drug taker towards lower levels of empathy.

Those with lower levels of empathy take more risks and care less about potentially negative outcomes. In the UK in 2007 31 million prescriptions for Prozac were written by GPs. It has only increased since that time.

I see users of Prozac often in my hypnotherapy work and I also hear from clients about how their GP, with very little thought, offers the drug as first response to anxiety of any kind.

I urge you to take the time to watch this film. Simple clear language is used to explain the terms. It's just over 1 hour long and it'll be an hour well invested.

This is the YouTube link

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