Wednesday, 6 January 2010

New Resolutions looking a bit battered?

Since around 2001, I have been on a journey exploring the world of personal development. I have worked with NLP, hypnosis, EFT and other techniques first to change me and then to show others how they might change.

Traditionally this is the time of year when people make new commitments to make a positive change in their life. From dropping a bad habit to dropping a dress size, it is the New Year that has us resolving to make a change.

Most of these resolutions get broken within days, old habits are restarted and months may roll by before a new start is made.

So here is an alternative idea for you; commit to making a change even though you might fail. Commit to making a change even though you may not know how you will achieve your goal. Think about a child learning to walk, we KNOW that at first they will fall over (fail), and yet we will help them up as many times as required UNTIL they learn to walk.

We never say "Well that's it, this baby is never going to walk!"

We keep going UNTIL it happens.

So if your new year resolution has already taken a battering, pick yourself up, start again and keep going UNTIL your reach your goal. You'll get there eventually.

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