Saturday, 30 January 2010

A business book you'll want to read

I must have read dozens of business books. Some have been autobiographical in nature (like that of Victor Kiam, the man who bought Remington because he liked the razor) and some have been more philosophical. Most have been quite 'dry' with, you sense, a good deal of inconvenient truths left out.

So where do place a book with all the inconvenient truths left in? At the top of your reading list if you run or would like to run a small or medium size business. Which book would this be? "Get Off Your Arse" by Brad Burton. Brad is well known in the UK as the Managing Director of the largest Nationwide Networking organisation, 4Networking.

The book is part autobiographical, part motivational and part plain old common sense with splashes of earthy humour. Let me say that the provocative style will not suit every reader; there are no spreadsheets or graphs and very few notes on how to construct a business plan. And yet.......this may well be the most valuable business book you will pick up. Why? Beacuse through Brad's anecdotes and tales of lost opportunities, glorious mistakes and finally resounding business triumph, you will see the way to secure your path to a great business.

This book will not tell what markets to be in or what location to choose but there many simple practical tips here that can be applied to almost any business. This is a motivational shot in the arm that will have you ditching excuses and taking action that moves your business forward. As Brad might put it, "If sitting around in your underpants is not working" then buy this book.

It may not change your world but it could just change your approach enough to get you back on track to growing your business. Highly Recommended.

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