Friday, 23 January 2009

EFT part 2

For this posting I wanted to tell you a bit more about how EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) can be used.

I often make use of the method in conjunction with hypnotherapy, I find that teaching the client how to empower themself to deal with an immediate fear or anxiety often leads to fast and effective change.

As I explain the EFT method to a client, they are often incredulous, sceptical sometimes even mocking that something like this can work. Generally however they have sufficient trust in me to give it a go.

Gary Craig likens the emotional difficulties we have to interference on a TV set. We know the transmitted signal is ok, we know the TV is working perfectly but every now and again the picture will be disrupted by a glitch somewhere in the communications channel.

His view is that a thought or a memory leads not directly to a feeling but it is communicated through the body system and where there is a "glitch" we sometime interpret the thought or memory as a negative emotion, physical pain or psychological blockage.

The idea of the method is to free that 'blockage' so that the mind/body communications flow without interruption and without the negative emotions.

When I first learned about the method I too was sceptical. I trained as an engineer as some of the notions ablout body meridian energy lines just seemed plain weird.

However, EFT does not rely on belief to be sucessful, indeed many of my most sceptical clients have made hugely significant and positive changes in their live.

I have stopped trying to understand at a deep level how the method works; I just know that for many, many people it works very well. If you have been struggling to make changes in your life and have found it a challenge it would be well worth given EFT a try.

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