Monday, 19 January 2009

Blue Monday?

According to reports on the UK broadcaster the BBC, today is the most depressing day of the year. Dubbed Blue Monday by some, the combination of the poor weather, credit card bills arriving in the post and the general economic gloom come together to create the most mood sapping day in the year.

You may have your own way of combating the low mood but if not. try these methods to improve your outlook:

1) Get outside in the daylight.
Low light levels are linked to depression, go outside and spend time in daylight, even if the sun is not shining.

2) Check your diet
Without daylight our vitamin levels can be lower in winter than in summer so you may find it helpful to insure against this by taking a multi-vitamin suppliment. (Watch for too much Vitamin A if you ar pregnant though)

3) Count your blessings
It's not very fashionable but the old church teaching of counting your blessings can serve to remind you that not everything is dull and gloomy.

4) Do something that makes you laugh
Laughing releases all kinds of feel good chemicals into the body. As the old saying goes (with apologies to Readers Digest) Laughter is the best medecine.

Or try visiting the web site of the Optimist Society. That should cheer you up!

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