Monday, 8 October 2012

The new normal

I'm old enough to remember the Miner's strikes and power custs of the early 1970s.

I was a child then and I remember that we were never without matches, candles and a gas powered 'tilley' lamp for the inevitable power cuts.

As a child it didn't seem so bad (though I hated the cold), it was normal for us back then.

Now after 40 years apparent economic growth (with occasional panics & slumps) we start to contemplate a new normal. A normal where economic growth is not always rising, where expectations of being cared for by the state may be very misguided and real income is actually falling.

Say hello to your new normal.

Judging by the depth of the recession and by what the politicians admit to, we could have to grind through this for another four or five years. Welcome to the new normal.

But for me, it's a reminder of the make-do-and-mend approach of my youth. Of repairing clothes instead of just throwing them away, of DIY on your home and car and of being more self-reliant.

The trouble is, if you were born after around 1979, you have never known these low times. You probably thought that life would always be on a fabulous upwards trend. You may not have the tools needed to make it through the next few years.

A Riders Digest manual is your friend

For you these will be uncharted waters you'll want a map or maybe some books. Those well thumbed DIY books seen lurking on the shelf in charity shops. The crumpled paperback on how to make wine and bar at home, seen in a thrift sale. Because without some navigational tools to get you through the next few years, life is going to be hard.

The economy is much like the weather, it's unlikely that you are going to be able to change it. The wind will blow where it will, and you must set a sail to catch the best breeze you can, to make progress towards the goals you have set. Progress that happens inspite of the way the economy is rather than because of how wonderful it is.

It's time to discover and foster in yourself both new skills and a sense of positive self reliance. As the old support structures fall (or are trimmed) away by a Government unable to meet colossal bills created by undeliverable expectations, there is only person you can really rely on in the end, it is you.

So now is the time to ditch the hang-ups, learn new skills and change your perspective. Hypnosis techniques can help here and a good practitioner will be able to help you. 

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