Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Simple living

I'm on a personal quest to simplify my life and deliver a better quality of life for my family.

It turns out that this is much harder than you might think.

One thing I would like to do, (like many other people), is live in my own home on my own land without a mortgage.

Without some radical thinking this is a pipe dream for most people. We have 25 years of paying a mortgage during which time we will have typically paid for that home 2 or 3 times over because of the interest. In my case there is still more than 14 years to go.

But, recently my attention has been drawn to the idea of tiny homes that can be self built, either on a plot of land or even on a trailer. These range in size from 100 square feet to perhaps 500 square feet and when you see how they are built and what can be done your own life model may be up for review. I know I am now thinking about things very differently.

Take a look at some of the videos and sites below, if nothing else they may convince you to make better use of the space you already have. Why is this important in a blog dedicated to realising ones potential? Because the more time you spend working to earn money, the less time you have to do the things you really want to do or love to do. This approach breaks that limitation.

Check these:

Start from these and watch the videos, I'm now hooked!

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