Saturday, 2 October 2010

The bad and the good of humanity-two videos to compare

I had planned to write a blog today about my thoughts and feelings about the world in this very moment but two videos will do this for me.

The first is supposed to be a "joke" way to have people wake up to need to reduce carbon use. It is a nasty piece of work but I'll let you watch it first and then comment on afterwards.

It seems that any means is justified by the end (reduce man made global warming). How can you have respect for the eco-systems of the planet when you have no respect for those who disagree with your views.

It is a very long way indeed from the enlightenment view of Voltaire "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. " Now  if you don't agree with 'their' world view your life has no meaning. This is not a joke video, there really are people who advocate mass deaths to reduce the human population.

Isn't it odd however that  those calling for a reduction in population (the Duke Of Edinburgh amongst them) never actually live or rather die by their own words. One presumes that it should always be 'other people' who should die rather than the self elected, global climate change gurus.

You can see organisations "sorry" page here

But, there is another way.

Watch this video.

I think the second video says most of what I wanted to. (I realised that I had never watched the Chaplin film The Great Dictator, that forms part of the second video. I feel I need to do that soon.)

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