Saturday, 7 November 2009

What creates apathy?

This is by nature a slightly political post.

There has been for some time now a view that UK voters have become apathetic about exercising their right to vote.

The turnout in local elections often struggles to achieve 25% and even in general elections rarely achieves 50%.

Media commentators wring their hands and write essays on what should be done. They suggest everything from lowering the voting age to making voting compulsory.

Here's some suggestions for all those media pundits and hacks;
Stop treating the adults of the UK like children and they'll stop behaving like children. (I suppose
we could call this the transactional analysis approach). Who the hell needs to be told how to blow their nose and dispose of the paper tissue who is over the age of 6? Patronising video here.

Stop giving outrageous levels of snooping power to any man jack and his dog with RIPA and SOCA laws. Absolutely ludicrous use of powers example here.

Let the voting public have a real choice about the future path of the country instead simply choosing from one bunch of money grubbing politicos dressed in red and another bunch of money grubbing politicos dressed in blue (or possibly yellow). Outrageous money grubbing here.

When we all get a real choice apathy will disappear.

Apathy is only evident when choices are notional rather than real.

Given a real choice people will use their power; it won't happen because the levers of control and power would be ripped away from the current political classes. It would probably take a revolution for that to happen.

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