Monday, 14 September 2009

Spotless Mind?

Once again a team has supposedly come up with a way to erase bad memories; according to the Daily Mail newspaper.

According to the paper, a team at Friedrich Miescher Institute in Switzerland could develop a memory-cleansing drug that has the ability to remove any recollection of unhappy or embarrassing incidents, like childhood teasing and upsetting memories of a failed love affair, from people's minds.

We are told that it works by dissolving the membrane around the amygdala; the almond-shaped organ in the brain where mammals store their memories of fear.

It seems to have worked in animals, but do you really want to lose all of your fears? Fear is what keeps us safe from dangerous situations. It is a response that enables us to survive.

So while it may sound like a wonderful way to let go of love affairs that went wrong or a powerful way to deal with PTSD, it may not be possible to use it safely.

Both Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and hypnosis offers real drug free alternatives to this with the advantage that natural useful fears are kept in place.

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