Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Oh dear I don't think he wanted that to happen

I have a great belief in personal liberty and freedom. I think that without these values none of us can thrive and prosper in greatest sense of the word.

No one can thrive if they are constrained by limiting beliefs and outmoded ideas. Because of my personal views I am fundamentally opposed to the notion of Identity Cards.

It's as if someone else (in this case a collection of structures known as the Government) will only allow you to be a person with their say-so.

As you can imagine this fills me with a sense of horror. It seems remarkable therefore that yesterday the UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, decided that a photo opportunity was an ideal way to bolster his ratings in the polls. The same day that Manchester was announced as being the first city in the UK where you could 'volunteer' for an idea card.

So what did that photo opportunity look like?

Oh dear, Gordon Brown in front of a Nazi Swastika. How appropriate for a Government that seems to have lost all the ideals that it came into power with in 1997.

What would the original leaders of the Labour Movement have said about the way things are run today?

You have a perfect right to exist, grow and prosper without someone else defining what your personal limits and freedoms may be. Of course there must be laws, rape, theft and murder are wrong. But the right of free expression, freedom of speech and association are yours (and mine) naturally and are not to be constrained by an unelected, unrepresentative so called 'Prime Minister'.

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