Monday, 20 April 2009

Strange Phenomenon Observed

This weekend in the South of England I observed a strange phenomenon, people smiling.

Yes, as the sun came out and back gardens got busy, people started smiling. In spite of the worries about job losses and financial turmoil there are definite hints of happiness.

It seems that this is just another indication that our mood can be improved by light and especially sunlight. For years now people have been using light boxes as a means of reducing SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. But now that the sun has come out, anyone who is outside will be getting a dose of light that does improve mood.

The way in which this happens seems to be driven by the production of Vitamin D in the skin which is driven by the spectrum of light in natural sunlight.

Some people have found that taking a Vitamin D supplement and using a blue-light source in the winter months can lift mood in a very effective way. Click here for one person's story.

So if you have been feeling down, get out in the sunshine and make sure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need either through a balanced diet or by the use of supplements.

Hooray for the sun!

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