Wednesday, 4 March 2009

The curse of 'The Course'

For some time now it has been almost fashionable to attend 'The Course'. Often these work sponsored training events are held in hotels or converted stately homes where attendance is a requirement from the company or organisation that employs the trainees.

Often these events are seen as little more than an irritation or an excuse for 'going on a jolly' by those who attend. Rarely do those attending a work based training event come back enthused by what they learned and all to often, little, if any change filters through to the workplace.

Donald Clark has written a powerful article on that rips into some of assumptions made about the positive outcomes available from group based courses. It's a good thought provoking read that seems to resonate with some of my own experiences of training days.
Some of the best personal training I have received has been in the 10 minute coffee break of a so called 'course' I was attending and that would be from a fellow 'trainee'. So much for 2 or 3 days of residential brain dumping. Read the piece by clicking this link.

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