Tuesday, 13 November 2007

New stuff coming up!

My one-to-one personal change work inspired me to develop a range of downloadable products for those people who could not get to see me in person, or who just wanted to make changes in their life at their own speed in their own home.

The site http://www.gift4life.com is home to those products and new things will be happening there over the next month or so.

We have at least three new audio downloads due to go online including one to help those people who bite their nails, another to deal effectively with procrastination (you know, always putting things off) and one to deal with tongue and cheek chewing (yes really, it can be a big problem!).

But we are also working on some very funky new streaming videos combined with downloadable audio files. I believe this is going to be a big step forward in how personal change programs are delivered and boy am I excited about it!

Keep looking in on http://www.gift4life.com and watch for the updates.

John Burns

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