Monday, 26 November 2007

Downloadable hypnotherapy

I have two sides to the therapy work that I do. One is the traditional one-to-one hypnotherapy where the client and I work together to let go of an old habit or issue and then go on to develop a new way of thinking, acting or being.

The other part of what I do is based on the down-loadable MP3s and CDs that I sell from the web site.

I have had some interesting questions about whether these recordings can be as effective as seeing a therapist face to face. In my opinion, seeing a therapist face to face is normally likely to bring the biggest changes most quickly. Download products have to be a degree general in their scope to be able to accommodate the differing life experiences of the listener.

For this reason I always recommend that recordings are used at least once per day for a minimum of three weeks. It not less effective, just different. It's useful to remember that some people who use hypnotherapy recordings may not be able to see a person for one to one style work. But if you have a good quality recording, produced by a good therapist then the chances are that you can and will make the changes you have been looking for.

Best Wishes

John Burns

Friday, 16 November 2007

New hypnotherapy recording now online for download

It took a few goes but at last we have the 'Beat Procrastination' and 'Great Nails' hypnotherapy recordings on-line and available for download.

Check out


There will be more coming in the next few weeks but our biggest seller is still 'Slimmer You', it seems that many are wanting to get themselves back to good eating habits in time for the holiday season.

John Burns

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

New stuff coming up!

My one-to-one personal change work inspired me to develop a range of downloadable products for those people who could not get to see me in person, or who just wanted to make changes in their life at their own speed in their own home.

The site is home to those products and new things will be happening there over the next month or so.

We have at least three new audio downloads due to go online including one to help those people who bite their nails, another to deal effectively with procrastination (you know, always putting things off) and one to deal with tongue and cheek chewing (yes really, it can be a big problem!).

But we are also working on some very funky new streaming videos combined with downloadable audio files. I believe this is going to be a big step forward in how personal change programs are delivered and boy am I excited about it!

Keep looking in on and watch for the updates.

John Burns

Monday, 12 November 2007

Indulgence Evening

On Friday 16th November, I will be attending an Indulgence Evening at Hazelbury Plucknett (near Crewkerne, Somerset) School.

It should be a great evening as there will be a number of complementary therapists attending to offer their services for just £5 for a 15 minute session. £2.50 of which goes to raise funds for the school. (Last year they raised over £400 for school funds)

I believe there will be stands selling produce and other wares so it should be a good fun evening and a chance to try out something you may have been interested in but never got around to doing.

The evening starts at 8.30pm and goes on until about 10.30pm.

See you there!

John Burns

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

It's not all about Hypnotherapy

I've worked with a number of clients to help them resolve anxiety driven issues like IBS. (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

This is often the diagnosis given to a Doctor's patient when everything else has been ruled out (no cancer etc.) that might be causing stomach cramps, constipation or loose bowels. From there on it's a prescription and a trip to the pharmacy for ant-spasmodic drugs and pain killers. This state of affairs can go on for years.

Sadly I often find that very little work has been done by the Doctor to check into the eating habits of the IBS sufferer. In my view IBS is most often a symptom of both stress and poor diet.

Before resorting to the drugs (or even the local Hypnotherapist) try keeping a diary of the foods you eat. Are you taking in lots of un-processed foods, fresh fruit and vegetables? Or more likely, is your diet is poor in these areas? Are you drinking plenty of non-caffeine fluids? All of these things can help greatly in reducing the symptoms of IBS.

Top Tips
  1. Boost the fibre in your diet
  2. Eat wholemeal bread/rice/pasta
  3. Eat much more fresh fruit and vegetables
  4. Reduce the amount of caffeine you take (tea, coffe cola etc.)
  5. Reduce pre-processed food consumption to a minimum.
  6. Avoid sugar, Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) and aspartame style sweeteners in your diet.
  7. Think about taking a good quality vitamin supplement if your diet is poor at present.
  8. Get some gentle excercise every day, it will help to stimulate normal digestive activity
  9. Eat your main meal at least 3 hours before you go to bed
  10. Eat your meals at regular intervals throughtout the day, binging and then fasting is not helpful
  11. Learn a relaxation/stress reduction technique and then use it every day.
  12. If you can't get away from the stress in your life, consider going to see a professional who can help you find ways to deal with stress more effectively.
  13. Give yourself so 'me time' every day to focus on what you want rather than being focussed on what you don't want.
IBS need not be a life sentence; making small changes in your life can yield huge improvements in your wellbeing.

John Burns

Sunday, 19 August 2007

The holiday season draws to a close, time to think

As the annual holiday season gradually draws to a close, now is the time to consider life.

Often the summer holiday is the only time we give ourselves to reflect on our direction in life. The daily grind is for a short time put on one side as we get on with the rest of life.

During these considerations and reflections we might start to think about whether our career is really what we want and whether our choices have delivered what we were looking for.

These are useful moments to embrace, the next time this happens might be a year away!

So just for a while, go with the flow and think about the rest of your life.

Best Wishes

John Burns

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Nailbiting, anxiety and shame

Nailbiting is one of those habits that hang around from childhood often starting as a way of relieving anxiety or boredom.

In an adult context the the habit can go on for years unless checked, sometimes leading to embarassment or feelings of shame about one's hands.

At we are working on a new down-loadable MP3 to deal with this but until it is finished we have a PDF helpfile that you may find useful if you or someone you know is a nail biter.
Take a quick visit to
and download the nailbiting file from there. There are some great tips in there that we think you'll find very useful.

John Burns

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Losing (or shedding) weight

Weight loss and dieting is a huge industry; but not always a successful one. Diet programs can and do work very well if you stick to them.

I find that often the clients who come to see me have often been through the yo-yo cycle of diet-weight gain-diet.

So if you are thinking of shedding unwanted pounds (or kilos) what practical steps can you take today.

1) Keep a food and mood diary it is surprising just how taking this simple step can enable you to take control of just when and why you eat.

2) Try moving your main meal to the middle of the day, this is when we tend most active and so most able to burn of the calories.

3) Stay well hydrated throughout the day, a good water balance will tend to balance out your mood and so stop the tendency to comfort eat.

4) Consider taking a multi-vitamin; as you make changes in your diet it can help you retain all the nutrients you need to start the metabolism working more effectively.

5) Take some moderate exercise each and every day, reducing your calorific intake alone is unlikely to be successful.

6) Try moving your carbohydrate (rice, potatoes, pastry etc.) foods to the beginning and middle of the day and focus on proteins (meat, mushroom etc.) and vegetables to the end of the day.

7) Remember that changes are for the whole of your life going back to regular jam doughnut sessions will just take you back to the old cycles of diet and weight gain.

If all of that still doesn't deliver what you need then give me a call!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

What do you do?

I do often get asked about what I do; the usual expectation is that I spend my time persuading smokers to leave the weed behind. More often however I am to be found working with anxiety sufferers and insomniacs.

For most of us insomnia is nothing more than an occasional irritation when we feel overloaded by job or personal worries. For some people though it becomes a way of life, almost never having enough sleep to function during the day. If this sounds like someone you know (or even you) then do get a check up with your doctor, there are several medical reasons why sleep might be difficult.

If after that there is nothing medically wrong, you may be offered sleeping pills to help. These can in the short term be effective but it is far more effective to deal with the underlying issues. That is where your local therapist can help or some self help audio can be a way forward. Old issues can sometimes make us feel axious and this in turn can lead to insomnia.

Let the issues go and often you will be able to sleep easily once more.

Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Unlike some I expect August to be busy

In my previous career(s) August has been a quiet month, a time to reflect and get ready before the rush towards Christmas. But now I find myself in a very different style of work and the cycles are also different.

Last year, August was my busiest month and given that lots of people are on holiday in August that may seem strange. So I put my thinking cap on and very soon came up with the rather obvious answer as to why this should be so. Often our holiday is a vital time for thinking, reflecting on our position and achievements. What if we have not done so well? What if we hate the idea of going back to our old job?

When we return it is often with the intention to make positive changes and so that smoking habit, fear or phobia can seem like block in our way of progress. So people like me get phone calls! Until recently I had not met anyone else with a similar business cycle but it turns out that the recruitment specialists also find August a busy month and have a similar pattern of enquiries.

Well if you are thinking about making a change; call for a chat on 01935 700333.

Best Wishes

John Burns

First post for the new blog

I wanted to find a way to talk about personal growth and change and this new blog is it!

My one on one work is based in my office in central Yeovil and you can find out much more about this from my web site

However it became clear to me that there were other people who were unable to see me because of distance or other limitations; for this reason I created This new site has down-loadable MP3 hypnotherapy and personal development tracks that can be purchased and used within minutes.

The site is the culmination of two years of work and it will grow over time to include many different products related to the world of personal development.

With that in mind I am looking for other therapists, musicians and self change specialists to join me in this venture. The site is a wonderful way to deliver your products to the world, you can even listen to a 30 second sample of each track.

We are looking for MP3 audio tracks, e-books and even video products relating to personal growth and change. If this sounds interesting to you then do please get in touch can be your vehicle to the world as well.

Best wishes

John Burns