Thursday, 29 April 2010

Faith, short cuts & authority

We all need short cuts to understanding because it is simply not possible to know everything. I read on the internet yesterday (and therefore it must be true) that the sum total of human knowledge is doubling every 15 years. Even if this is radically inaccurate it is clear that one can not be an expert on everything.

For that reason we all need short-cuts, rules of thumb to run our life by. Without these short-cuts we would be lost in a sea of detail that one lifetime is too short to comprehend.

Where do we get short cuts from? Those who have or seem to have authority. Authority we confer on them by believing what they say. Is belief another way of saying faith?

Sometimes, especially when we first meet that authority, we will test it against what we already know. If it measure up and agrees with our principles of how the world works then we will go on to be more accepting of what the 'authority' says. We have faith until we perceive a gross deviation from our world model. That deviation may be found by scientific test or by personal deductive thought. Perhaps at that point we may say that we have more faith in our self than in the authority of others.

Is this a form of enlightenment?

Saturday, 24 April 2010

How to read faces event in Taunton 28th April

This is not one of my events but I plan to be attending.


Taunton Library Meeting Room. Wed 28th April 7.30pm - 10pm Entrance £5
Taunton Library, Paul Street
Taunton TA1 3XZ

0845 345 9177

Seating for up to 70 people only. Get there early

Who will be interested?

Business owner, Managers, therapists, counsellors, Law Enforcement, Sales People in fact almost any one who works with other people!

How to read faces by Naomi Tickle.

This should be an interesting evening for anyone who wants to learn about the personality of others.

Naomi has developed an idea she call personology which is about being able to read the personality of an individual by looking at their face.

It is based on work done by a US trial judge.

From a Judge's Courtroom -- A Modern Version

It was created by Judge Edward Vincent Jones. After watching thousands people in his courtroom for many years, he found he could reliably predict their personality, behaviour and innate abilities from their facial features. These were not expressions and gestures but basic hereditary structures and shapes. He was so fascinated by this knowledge that he maintained detailed records. From this mass of knowledge he realized he had documented a new science.

Now I ought to say that I am somewhat sceptical of the technique but I'm sure it will be very interesting! I look forward to mind opening experience afterall she says that the technique is 92% accurate; very impressive.

Naomi Tickle event poster

Download printable in PDF

See you there? Should be very interesting.

Friday, 23 April 2010

NLP and Life coach meeting in Taunton

I met with some Life Coaches and NLP ers in Taunton recently, a very interesting bunch of people to be sure and with very different backgrounds to my own, which makes for more interesting conversations. It was intriguing to hear about the different areas that they each work in and the customer niches they have defined for their work.

We had a talk by a local Life Coach, Becky Wright who runs New Leaf Personal Development. She talked about some of the steps she had taken to to build her business since its inception in 1992.

The biggest take away was to employ a graphic designer to get your marketing materials looking good if you want to be taken seriously. And whilst printing in your office with a desk top printer may be a useful way to start it does not compare to the quality of material that a printer can produce for you.