Thursday, 22 October 2009

Check this out...old chool hypnosis

This is wonderful, a Pathe film clip from 1949 showing stage hypnotist Richard Payne doing what today would be a very mild act.

Worth 4 minutes of your time any day of the week, hypnosis in a smart suit.

A quick thought on goals

I'm paraphrasing some comments from Brian Tracey here but they seem to make a lot of sense to me.

The reason why people don't write their goals down is because it becomes concrete in your subconscious and then must be acted on. We fail to write it down because of a fear of failure, if you don't write it down that won't happen (bit neither will you achieve your goals).

Only 3% of the population have written goals, only 5% have any goals at all. Would you like to guess if they do better or worse than the average in terms of life outcomes?

Yep, you guessed it they do LOTS better.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Staying organised (part 1,657432)

It's a rather flippant title but just an indication that staying organised is an ongoing process.

At the moment I am reading the book Getting Things Done by David Allen. He advocates getting all the information about current actions and projects out of your head and into some kind of external system.

This, he argues, frees you up to have creative thoughts and become able to deal more effectively with the 'stuff' that just arrives in your in tray each day.

Part and parcel of this concept is having a place or places to put all those project details. It could be a filing cabinet or a stack of index cards but the computer offers lots of possibilities.

One of these is to use a TiddlyWiki that is set up in accordance with the ideas in the book. Good news there is such a thing.

TiddlyWiki is lot like the Wikipedia idea except that you can keep it all on your disc drive or memory stick. You use it through a FireFox browser (other browsers work too) to create your very own Wikki.

It really neat; try these links to find out more
The version I am trialing at the moment is D Cubed at

I know it's going to take some discipline to put all my projects and actions on this way but I'm actually quite excited by this!

The TiddlyWiki programs are for free but most will accept PayPal donations to keep down their costs.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Bigger Breasts with hypnosis

Well, for some people it would be nice right?
Not for everyone clearly, most men would rather not have Moobs (man boobs) but many might be intrigued by the idea.

It hit the news (again) today as a BBC program called Inside Out (a local magazine that varies from region to region) investigated hypnotherapy.

They were alarmed to find out that is was possible for a cat to be registered with some hypnotherapy organisations. Well I have not seen the program but let sanity reign.

They copied an experiment first done in the USA where a cat got registered with a couple of small member organisations. It worked here in the UK too but not with one of the larger organisations and I still maintain that the only licence needed for the biggest hypnotist in the UK is a TV licence. That square box puts more people in a trance than anything or anyone else.

Any way, back to breasts.....can you make them bigger with hypnosis? One of the chaps involved in the program says that it can work.

If asked, I could guess that the answer is yes, but I just don't know. It's tricky trying to measure this stuff because you would need to devise and experiment that looked at all the possible variables from weight gain to hormonal changes before you could tell if the hypnosis had had a profound effect on the breast tissue.

Still, if any university graduates would like to set up an experiment I'd be happy to take part.

Life, death and brain waves

I'm doing more evening sessions these days. It seems to be easier for those who use my services and means the days are spent on other activities.

A brief scan through the news this morning brought up an interesting piece (via The Daily Mail web site) about brain activity as we approach death (sorry if this sound morbid). It seems that there is a huge spike in neuron activity as a person dies.

The articles puts forward the idea that this happens as the blood supply to the brain fails and may coincide with so-called near death experiences.

All interesting stuff and it does make me think about the nature of life and death........well I'm not the first person to cover that territory am I.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Do we have a sixth sense?

There is an interesting article on the Daily Mail web site today about whether we have a sixth sense. (Actually it looks like a rehash of a press release for a book launch.)

It's worth a look though; it cites some interesting examples of times where people have claimed precognition of forthcoming disasters.

Here is the gratuitous link to Amazon so that you can help pay my web hosting fees!

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Snippets & updates:Oil, music, diabetes & skinny eaters

A variety of interesting thing from the web that caught my attention in the last week or so.

Olive oil and Alzheimer's disease

It seems that one of the chemicals in olive oil that gives it its peppery taste may play a part in slowing down the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Having seen how this illness robs people of themselves, I'd love to see more research in this area.


Type 2 diabetes is on the rise and we seem to be following the American example in terms of the health outcomes. Remember that too much carbohydrate especially highly refined types like sugar will lead to problems. This is especially true when you have a relatively inactive lifestyle and don't eat a balanced diet. (Balanced in this case means a good mix of fruit, vegetables starchy foods, fats and proteins. By the way, all the indications are that diet style drinks may actually make this worse. They are the devil's brew; try Googling Aspartame.

Learning a musical instrument helps to boost children's memory

I have suspected for some time, that playing (or learning to play) a musical instrument works parts of the brain otherwise untouched in the pencil & paper type learning that often passes for schooling. This article form the Time s newspaper seems to vindicate my views. By the way, I'm still learning to play the harmonica!
This is my current musical nemesis...

Want to Lose Weight? Avoid Skinny Overeaters

It seems that naturally thin people who eat large portions can cause us to eat more than we should. There is news about a fascinating study in the link where it seems that if you see a thin person pile up their plate your more likely to follow their example than if a fat person were to do the same.

After all no one wants to be seen to be eating more than a fat person but someone thin can validate a choice to eat more than we should; well if they can be thin with that size portion...